What I Learn When I Play at Centres

When I play at the Block Centre, I am:

·       Developing fine and large motor skills

·       Learning about shape, size, colour and quantity

·       Using my imagination

·       Developing problem solving skills

When I am praying and playing at the Prayer Table, I am:

·       Discovering God’s creation

·       Touching nature

·       Experiencing sensory activities

·       Exploring symbols of our faith

·       Expanding our knowledge of our faith

When I am playing at the Art or Paint Centre, I am:

·       Using my imagination to create art

·       Creating a plan and following through

·       Fostering creativity

·       Learning new art techniques

·       Exploring and sharing a variety of tools and materials with my peers

·       Using problem solving skills effectively

·       Exploring different elements of design

·       Demonstrating an understanding of vocabulary related to visual art

·       Developing fine motor skills and eye-hand co-ordination

·       Developing oral language skills

·       Representing our world

When I am playing at the Drama Centre, I am:

·        Using my imagination and role playing

·        Working cooperatively with peers

·        Exploring elements of drama

·        Retelling stories and familiar events

·        Communicating my ideas with others

·        Taking turns and using kind words

·        Learning about the people in my community

·        Learning to be a nurturer and care for others

·        Using puppets and props to enhance my play and learning

·        Learning to tidy up materials when I am finished

When I play at the Sand/Sensory Centre, I am:

·       Learning to select and use different materials

·       Working cooperatively with others

·       Creating a plan and following through

·       Communicating my discoveries

·       Using problem solving skills effectively

·       Being creative with a variety of materials

·       Making predictions and observations

·       Exploring how tools help me

·       Experimenting with simple machines

·       Developing fine motor skills

·       Developing literacy and numeracy skills

·       Wondering about how things work

When I play at the Listening Centre or the Book Nook, I am:

·       Looking at pictures and making meaning

·       Reading fiction and non-fiction

·       Sorting books into genre

·       Reading through the use of technology and sharing how I feel

·       Identifying the types of books I like

·       Learning about authors and illustrators

·       Holding a book and turning pages with care

·       Using prior knowledge to make connections while following the text

·       Pointing to words as I listen attentively

·       Finding letters and sight words that I know

·       Sharing materials respectively

·       Exploring rhyming and opposites

·       Demonstrating independence

When I play at the Playdough Centre, I am:

·        Selecting and using different tools

·        Creating designs with peers

·        Creating a plan and following through

·        Communicating my discoveries

·        Using problem solving skills effectively

·        Being creative with a tactile medium

·        Experimenting with letters and numbers

·        Exploring how tools help me

·        Sharing materials and tools with others

·        Experimenting with simple machines

·        Developing fine motor skills

When I am playing at the Science Centre, I am:

·        Discovering how things work

·        Observing, experimenting, predicting, comparing and drawing conclusions

·        Developing vocabulary and oral language skills

·        Problem solving

·        Experiencing sensory activities

When I am playing at the Writing Centre, I am:

·        Putting thoughts on paper

·        Learning that print has meaning

·        Developing writing skills

·        Developing fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination

·        Learning the letters of the alphabet and their sounds

·        Having fun with letters, sounds and words

·        Developing vocabulary and oral language skills

·        Developing problem solving skills

When I am playing at the Toys/Puzzles Centre, I am:

·        Developing oral language skills

·        Developing problem solving skills

·        Learning to share and co-operate

·        Developing fine motor skills

When I am playing at the Math Centre, I am:

·        Sequencing and comparing objects

·        Working cooperatively with peers

·        Creating patterns building designs

·        Communicating my ideas with others

·        Taking turns and using kind words

·        Measuring in different ways

·        Naming shapes and their attributes

·        Making observations and showing findings

·        Counting and recognizing numbers

·        Investigating new ideas and practicing old ones using a variety of manipulatives

·        Organizing materials and using math words

When I am at the Snack Centre, I am:

·        Learning to self-regulate when I am hungry

·        Learning about hygiene when I wash my hands

·        Learning about table manners and how to be polite

·        Learning to help the environment by bringing reusable containers and water bottles

·        To be independent

·        Learning what foods are healthy for my body

·        Making healthy choices

·        Discussing my likes and dislikes with others

·        Developing fine motor skills when I open and close containers

·        Cleaning up after myself when I am done