Friday, September 25, 2015

Autumn Arrives

Leaf Rubbings

Our class Fall tree

We brainstormed Fall words

We painted our hands and made the seasons on our classroom windows with our hand prints.





Letter Ss Centers

This week we learned the letter Ss.  Our centres included the following activities:

 Writing Centre: using our dictionaries to write words beginning with "Ss"

 Making the letter "Ss" with glue and sand

Math Centre: sorting by colour, shape & size

 Art: painting the solar system

Sensory: Writing the letter "Ss" in sand

 Creating the letter "Ss" with snap cube blocks

 Sensory activity: sand play

Art: Collage Ss

Math: Patterned Snakes


Friday, September 18, 2015

Outdoor Classroom

We have had fun exploring new activities in our outdoor classroom every morning.  Parents: thank you for being so diligent in dropping off your child and quickly departing so that we've been able to start the day in this manner.  The children have been engaging in the activities captured below as well as: bubble blowing, bean bag tossing, free play, painting...etc.


Welcome to a new school year! We have many new faces and are excited to build lasting friendships and memories together. For all of our new families and friends, this is our classroom blog. Ms. Vecchio and I update this site weekly, providing you with a peek into our learning adventures throughout the weeks. Keep posted and up to date with all the fun learning and experiences that your child will be encountering this year.
Looking forward to learning together!!!
Thanks for all your support and understanding already.
Mrs. Donald & Mrs. Vecchio